Does ovulation make you tired

Does Ovulation Make You Tired?

By Nicholas White

If you ever asked yourself: “Why ovulation makes me tired?”—this material is for you! Shortly speaking, it all depends on the phase and what hormone is on the rise now.

What is Ovulation

The menstrual cycle phase known as ovulation occurs when the ovary releases a fully developed egg. The whole process is controlled by the endocrine system:

  1. Hypothalamus (a brain structure) produces gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
  2. GnRH triggers the pituitary gland (also located in the brain) to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).
  3. FSH affects follicles. Follicles are tiny sacs filled with fluid that are located in the ovaries and contain non-mature eggs. Under the effect of FSH, eggs mature.
  4. A surge in LH causes a release of a single matured egg. It goes through the fallopian tube, and, if meets a sperm, gets fertilized and implants in the uterus. If not, the body sheds the inner lining of the uterus and it is eliminated with an egg when the menstrual bleeding occurs.

Ovulation takes place approximately on day 14 of the 28-day menstrual cycle. If the person has irregular periods or their cycle is longer or shorter, the time of ovulation can vary as well.

Menstrual Cycle and Hormones

In AFAB people and cis women, the experiences during the menstrual cycle can be very different. This is because every person is an individual who has a unique body that reacts to changes in a unique way. While some people feel extremely tired during ovulation, others may not experience anything negative or retain their previous days’ energy boost.

There are two more essential hormones that regulate our reproductive functions.


Estrogen promotes lubrication, maintains wall thickness in the vagina, and controls the growth of follicles so that only the dominating one can produce a mature egg.

Right before ovulation, estrogen levels are at their peak. Elevated energy levels are linked to peak estrogen levels. Additionally, the hormone raises endorphin and serotonin levels, which makes you feel happy.


After ovulation, the luteal phase begins. The follicle that has released an egg turns into a structure known as corpus luteum. It produces some estrogen and high amounts of progesterone. Progesterone thickens your cervical mucus to prevent infections from getting into the uterus and the uterine lining so that the fertilized egg can be implanted easily.

Why am I Tired During Ovulation

If you are among those who often feel tired around ovulation, your state can be affected by several factors.

Hormone changes

The main cause of changes in your well-being is hormones. These chemicals control how we feel, perceive the world, and think. Peaking estrogen can make you bursting with energy and happiness. On the contrary, the luteal phase with high progesterone levels is associated with unpleasant symptoms, such as breast tenderness, bloating, brain fog, mood swings, and insomnia. All of that is physically and emotionally draining.

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Ovulation pain

For some people, pain during ovulation is typical. It is usually minor, feels like cramps, and is situated in the lower abdomen and pelvic areas. There are occasions when it is even followed by some bleeding.

Pain during ovulation may occasionally indicate an abnormality. We advise you to talk to your doctor about it if it persists.


Inflammation is a part of an ovulatory process. The follicle that releases an egg is literally bursting and there is tissue healing and remodeling involved afterwards. Inflammatory processes (that include increased body temperature, by the way) require energy from the body, so it is natural to feel a bit feverish and drained.

Lower iron levels

If your diet does not provide you with iron, you may not be replenishing the iron you lose with monthly bleedings. This is particularly noteworthy if you have an unbalanced diet and heavy periods. Iron deficiency is connected to low hemoglobin (a protein that allows red blood cells to supply the body with oxygen). Breathlessness and fatigue are common symptoms of this condition.

Coping Strategies

If you feel tired while ovulating, you need some extra self-care during these periods. We have prepared an action plan for you to help manage fatigue and unpleasant emotions.

Light exercise

Physical activity improves blood circulation, energy levels, and mood. With blood flow improved, your tissues get a proper supply of nutrients and oxygen which makes you feel better. But do not exhaust yourself with something like heavy lifts!

Stress management

Hormone fluctuations can mess up our mood pretty badly. One minor inconvenience can bring you to tears and ruin your day. Implementation of stress management into your lifestyle trains you to properly address those feelings and cope with them healthily.

Feeling negative emotions is normal. What matters is to be able to channel them away.


Your body is going through changes, so be gentle to yourself and relax. If your energy levels are currently at the drop, now is the perfect moment to rest and have some you-time. Have a nice bath, meditate, read a book, or have a nap—everything that makes you feel better goes!

Track cycles and patterns

No one knows you better than yourself, right? Cycles are repetitive by their nature which means you can predict when you need to take it easy. If your periods are regular, you can plan a quiet day before you feel fatigue hitting you, prepare an NSAID to reduce pain, if necessary, and let the whole world wait.

Balanced diet

Food is your source of energy and nutrients. Having balanced meals is a must to mitigate fatigue induced by the menstrual cycle. Eat well, enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables… and maybe a little delicious snack to boost your mood is in order.


Feeling tired on ovulation day and after is not abnormal. It is connected to hormonal and physical changes that occur in the body. A healthy lifestyle, self-care, and proper rest assist in coping with this state.


How does ovulation day make you feel?

Reaction to ovulation is individual. It is not uncommon to feel tired. Ovulation pain is a possible occurrence as well.

What are the signs of ovulation?

  • soar and tender breasts;
  • higher temperature, both basal and body;
  • cervical mucus becomes thicker;
  • pain in back, lower abdomen, pelvic area;
  • libido changes;
  • bloating;
  • changes in the mood and appetite, etc.

How soon after ovulation can you feel fatigued?

It is individual and varies from person to person.

Why do I feel tired during the follicular phase?

Estrogen peaks during the follicular phase, which is linked to increased energy levels. A low estrogen level is another possibility; some people may also experience this phase too quickly to notice the energy boost. When in doubt, speak with your OB-GYN or primary care physician.